Thursday, January 25, 2007

A follow up to youth marketing

Some of you may have read my last blog and thought... "wow that guy is harsh". I was merely attempting to get my point across as blunt as it may have been. I still stand by my point by the way. The technical world as we know it is undergoing convergence. Everything is becoming one. Anyone can be reached at any point in time through their mobile or their computer, and sometimes both.

It's time for some outside-the-box thinking. A 360-degree perspective and fresh new ideas. This does not necessarily mean that we have to use all younger people on all accounts of this new digital wave, but they better be involved. Are many of the CEO's going to be lost looking for the Fountain of Youth so that they can finally understand what’s going on with consumers today? Doubtful. But, maybe they will start thinking younger and listening to the younger generation.

What drives sales? We do not just walk into a store and say this is what I want with no previous knowledge. I for one research what I am looking for online whether it be blogs or consumer reports. Buzz Marketing accounts for so much of public relations these day. PR is not as simple as writing a press release and letting the consumer come to you. The job that must be done in all areas of communications is instilling desire in their clients. You must make them "have" to have your product.

Teenagers are all about status these days. If one person has Motorola Q, then chances are their friends will all want one. I Pods to me are the absolute epitome of creative buzz marketing. The ads are so simple, yet they make you feel like if you don't have one your a no body. I honestly believe that 1:2 people in New York City has an Ipod hanging out of their ears with that bright white cord hanging out of their pocket. Sure, I don't think I could live without my Ipod on me at all times, but we all know that the ear phones that come with them are the most uncomfortable things ever, yet no one changes them why? Because it is a trend. There even was a story recently suggesting that some teenagers use the IPod ear phones even if they don't have the IPod, ust to look cool.

Consumer electronics account for over $120 billion a year in sales and that is just in the U.S. It is hard to keep up with the fast moving technology that keeps popping up. I am 23 years old and I have been around to see Beta, VHS, DVD, and now Blue Ray DVD, and HD DVD. It's hard to know what to buy, and when to buy it as a consumer. I mean, I don't want to be left in the dust by buying something to late, yet if you buy something to quickly a newer model comes out right away. This is why electronics are such a hot commodity to my generation. You get judged on the appliances you hold.

Oh you don't have a smart phone, you must not be important?!

Oh hey I have a Blue Tooth look at me.

These are creative schemes that companies have conjured up. I have an absolute hate for Blue Tooth headset, yet everyone and their mother has one. Why? Because they think they look cool. It doesn't matter that they are driving a 1993 Honda Civic with no paint as long as they have their Blue Tooth in speaking loud enough for the whole world to hear.

We as a generation are a brand.

Unfortunately, this is how consumers think; especially consumers in Generation Y. We account for $180 billion a year spent on things we "need". Those things I speak of are: clothing, cell phones, digital cameras, car stereos, Blue Tooth, LCD flat screens, and other accessories. Do we actually need any of these things? No. But MTV tells us that if we miss out then we are just not hip. And after all, our perfect model citizen Paris Hilton says, "that’s hot", and sets trends. Give me a f$#*!#g break.

I think it is safe to say that if you live in the U.S you have seen teenagers wearing their over-sized sunglasses with their Abercrombie and Fitch, or Hollister clothing that.... well.... degrades young women, and just absolutely feeds into the MTV celebrity style of what’s cool and what not. As sad as this is (and it is sad), it is also brilliant. Celebrities, and TV have played such a major role in our society it's sickening...but brilliant. This is the point that I am trying to make. The funny thing is, is that this is the line of work I am in and you know what... I love my job. I understand my job. I am this generation and I know this generation. Shit, I was that kid, and I still feel the pressure. I know what it takes to get across to kids anywhere from 12-27. In all actuality marketing, advertising and PR should be left up to the EXPERTS, and like my last blog; who are the experts?.....Give up? People with first hand knowledge. Just because you've been arrested doesn't make you an expert in law, it just makes you a criminal. BUT, when it comes to PR and the power of persuasion who better to market the idea then the consumer?

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